How Can International Students Get Part-time Jobs in Japan – 3 Basic Steps

Taking part-time jobs in Japan as an international student can help you survive the overall costs. The tuition fee is not the only factor because there are other expenses you will need to consider, such as accommodation, food, transport fees, and more.

In fact, 74% of international students work in the hotel and foodservice industry, sales and marketing, teaching/research assistant, etc., according to the survey conducted by JASSO (Japan Student Service Organization).

So if you plan to work in Japan while studying, there are steps that you need to follow. Keep on reading to learn these three basic steps that will help you get part-time jobs.

3 Basic Steps To Get Part-Jobs in Japan

As an international student, applying directly to jobs in different industries without working permission is a big No-No in Japan. The first thing you need to do is to get a work permit.


1. Get A Work Permit

What is working permit or Shikaku-gai Katsu-do? It is mandatory to get before you can engage in any work-related activities in Japan. And you will need to apply for this permission at the Immigration Office in Japan.

It has two types, unspecified and specified. If you hold a student visa, you will receive unspecified permission. It will be printed on the backside of your residence card once granted.

Here are the necessary documents to get a work permit:

    • Application form for Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of
    • Residence Previously Granted (Available at the Immigration Bureau).
    • Submit your residence card
    • Passport or Certificate of Eligibility for Residence Status
    • Student ID card

2. Know the Work Restrictions

Upon granting permission to work part-time, you must bear in mind the following conditions. Because violating them will be subject to punishment, including deportation.

  • You can work for only 28 hours a week and 40 hours a week during school holidays. Working more than the legally permitted hours could result in deportation.
  • Working schedules must not interfere with your studies.
  • You are strictly prohibited get jobs in adult entertainment businesses, such as bars and nightclubs. Also, in gambling businesses such as pachinko parlors and mahjong.

3. Apply for Part-time Jobs in Japan

You will most likely go for job listings before you begin to apply. It is better to list down jobs near your place, so transportation would not be a problem. But how can you find job openings? 

You can use the following when searching for part-time jobs in Japan:

  • Student affairs office at university and school
  • Job advertising in the newspaper and public notice board
  • TownWork magazine. It is a free job ads magazine. And it is available anyplace in Japan, like in Konbini (convenience store), at the station, etc. There are two types of TownWork magazine. Be sure you choose the one that has a yellow cover, which is for part-time job listings.
  • Metropolis (distributed in Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa, Saitama), the number 1 English magazine in Japan
  • Tokyo Notice Board (distributed in Tokyo and Kanagawa)
  • Kansai Flea Market (distributed in Kansai area)
  • Job information websites
  • Town work:
  • DOMO!:
  • B-cause inc.
  • Baitoru:
  • From A Navi:
  • An:
  • Job@Chikyujin: (Mobile Application)
  • Tokyo Notice Board (Tokyo and Kanagawa):
  • Kansai Flea Market (Kansai area):
  • Government agency (Hello work)
  • Circle of friends, classmates, acquaintances, etc.
  • Legit agencies in Japan

Apart from the location, you will also need to check the following before taking the job.

Check the salary. 

The expected salary ranges from ¥800-¥1100. It will depend on the time and location. But if you want to earn more, try to work during the night, which pays higher than daytime jobs.

Check the type of job. 

There are many kinds of jobs to choose from, such as tutorial jobs, sales (if your Japanese speaking skill is quite good), cleaning jobs, kitchen assistant, staff at hotels, restaurants, or cafes, and more.

Check the working schedule. 

Choose the time to work that fits your schedule. You can inform the owner or the manager of your weekly schedule, but if they have a fixed timetable, then they will be the ones to tell you when you can work.

Final Thoughts

Taking part-time jobs in Japan while studying will help you greatly in sustaining your living expenses. Apart from that, your experience at work will help you improve your Japanese skills and discover new abilities. 

However, make sure to obtain a work permit before applying for jobs. Because working without permission is punishable by law and will result in deportation. And you don’t want that to happen. 

FAIR Study in Japan would be glad to answer all your questions for free. You can contact us using the comment section below

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