Learning a new language is quite challenging, but there are ways to make it easier. Initially, start with the basics, don’t skip this level. There are numerous Basic Japanese words that you should study and memorize first to begin a quick conversation.
To lessen the struggle in memorization, here are some tips: read out loud, write the words, and associate new words with words that sound similar in your native language.
If you plan to travel, work, or live in Japan, you have to consider the lists of Japanese words below, which include romaji and pronunciation.
Greetings in Japanese
A greeting is essential because it established a connection to other people. Japanese greet each other by bowing instead of shaking hands.
Let’s take for example the right way to say “hello” in Japanese.
Good Afternoon
Pronunciation: Kohn-nee-chee-wah
- This can also be used as saying hello at any time of the day.
Hello Over the Phone
もしもし Moshi Moshi
Pronunciation: Moshi Moshi as mosh mosh
- It’s a greeting used over the phone, more appropriate than Konnichiwa.
Remember, do not use this to greet a person.
Informal Greeting
おっす Ossu
Pronunciation: ohss
- Ossu is equivalent to say “hey, man!” or “hey, dude!” in English.
Good Morning
おはよう ohayō gozaimasu
Pronunciation: oh-hah-yoh goh-za-ee-muss
- You can use Konnichiwa but ohayō gozaimasu is more standard.
Shorten way to say it, ohayō
Good Evening
こんばんは konbanwa
Pronunciation: kohn–bahn-wah
- Standard greeting during the evening.
Good night
Good night
おやすみなさい oyasumi nasai
Pronunciation: oh-yah-soo-mee nah-sigh
- Usually used to say goodbye at night instead of saying Konnichiwa.
Question Words in Japanese
Asking questions is very important in every conversation. Let’s learn the specific question words in Japanese.
- What?
Pronunciation: Nah-nee? - Where?
どこ? Doko?
Pronunciation: Doh-koh? - Who?
Pronunciation: Dah-reh? - When?
いつ? Itsu?
Pronunciation: Eet-soo? - Which?
どれ? Dore?
Pronunciation: Doh-reh? - Why?
どうして Dōshite
Pronunciation: DOHH-sh’teh? - Why? (informal)
なんで? Nande
Pronunciation: NAHN-deh? - How?
どうやって? Dōyatte
Pronunciation: DOHH yaht–teh? - How much?
いくら? Ikura?
Pronunciation: Ee-koo-rah? - What type of?
どんな? Donna?
Pronunciation: DOHN-nah?
The common way of asking questions in Japanese.
- What’s wrong?
Doushitan desu ka?
- How’s the weather?
Tenki wa dou desu ka?
- Are you hungry?
Onaka ga aite imasu ka?
- What is this?
Kore wa nan desu ka?
- How do you call/say this in Japanese?
Nihongo de kore wa nanto iun desu ka?
- Whose is this?
Kore wa dare no desu ka?
- Who is that?
Ano hito wa dare desu ka?
- How much is this?
Kore wa ikura desu ka?
- What do you do in your free time?
Hima no toki ni, nani surun desu ka?
Say “Thank You” in Japanese
Thank you very much. (formal)
どうもありがとうございます。Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu.
Pronunciation: DOHH-moh ah-REE-gah-tohh goh–zahy–mahs
Thank you (less formal)
ありがとうございます。Arigatō gozaimasu.
Pronunciation: Ah-REE-gah-tohh goh-zahy-mahs
Thank you (normal)
ありがとう。 Arigatō
Pronunciation: Ah-REE-gah-tohh
Thanks (informal)
Pronunciation: DOHH-moh
Refer to People in Japanese
- male
おとこ、男 otoko
- man
おとこのひと、男の人 (otokonohito) - boy
おとこのこ、男の子 otokonoko - female
おんな、女 onna - woman
おんなのひと、女の人 onnanohito - girl
おんなのこ、女の子 onnanoko - baby
あかちゃん、赤ちゃん akachan - I, myself
わたし、私 watashi
- I, myself (used for males)
ぼく、僕 boku,
- I, myself (used for males [informal])
おれ、俺 ore,
- I, myself (used for females [softer sounding])
あたし、私 atashi,
Family Members in Japanese
- family
かぞく、家族 kazoku
- parents
りょうしん、両親 ryoushin
- children, child
こども、子供 kodomo - father
ちち、父 (chichi) “otou-san” - mother
はは、母 – (haha) “okaa-san” - wife
つま、妻 – tsuma - husband
おっと、夫 – otto - older brother
あに、兄 – (ani) (onī-san) - older sister
あね、姉 – (ane) (onē-san) - younger brother
おとうと、弟 otōto - younger sister
いもうと、妹 – imōto - brothers
きょうだい、兄弟 siblings kyōdai - sisters
しまい、姉妹 shimai - grandfather
そふ、祖父 – (sofu) (ojii-san) - grandmother
そぼ、祖母 – (sobo) (obaa-san) - grandchild
まご、孫 – (mago) - uncle
おじ、伯父、叔父 – (oji) (oji-san) - aunt
おば、伯母、叔母 – (oba) (oba-san) - cousin
いとこ、従兄弟、従姉妹、従兄、従弟、従姉、従妹 (itoko) - niece
めい、姪 mei - nephew
おい、甥 oi
Days of the Week in Japanese
にちようび、日曜日 nichi-yōbi
げつようび、月曜日 getsu-yōbi
かようび、火曜日 ka-yōbi
すいようび、水曜日 sui-yōbi
もくようび、木曜日 moku-yōbi
きんようび、金曜日 kin-yōbi
どようび、土曜日 do-yōbi
Months in Japanese
- January
ichi-gatsu 一月
- February
ni-gatsu 二月
- March
san-gatsu 三月
- April
shi-gatsu 四月
- May
go-gatsu 五月
- June
roku-gatsu 六月
- July
shichi-gatsu 七月
- August
hachi-gatsu 八月
- September
ku-gatsu 九月
- October
juu-gatsu 十月
- November
juuichi-gatsu 十一月
- December
juuni-gatsu 十二月
The Four Seasons in Japanese
- Spring
haru 春
- Summer
natsu 夏
- Autumn
aki 秋
- Winter
fuyu 冬
Parts of the Body in Japanese
- foot, leg
あし、足、脚 ashi
- heel
かかと、踵 kakato - chin
すね、脛 sune - knee
ひざ、膝 hiza - thigh
もも、腿 momo - head
あたま、頭 atama - face
かお、顔 kao - mouth
くち、口 kuchi - lips
くちびる、唇 kuchibiru - tooth
は、歯 – (ha) - nose
はな、鼻 – (hana) - eye
め、目 – (me) - moustache, beard
ひげ、髭、鬚、髯 – (hige) - hair
かみ、髪 – (kami) - ear
みみ、耳 – (mimi) - stomach
い、胃 – (i) - arm
うで、腕 – (ude) - elbow
ひじ、肘 – (hiji) - shoulder
かた、肩 – (kata) - nail
つめ、爪 – (tsume) - hand
て、手 – (te) - wrist
てくび、手首 – (tekubi) - palm of hand
てのひら、掌、手の平 – (te-no-hira) - finger, toe
ゆび、指 – (yubi) - buttocks
しり、尻 – (shiri) - abdomen
おなか、お腹 (はら、腹) – (o-naka) - liver
かんぞう、肝臓 – (kanzō) - liver
きも、肝 – (kimo) - muscle
きんにく、筋肉 – (kin’niku) - neck
くび、首 – (kubi) - heart [as in feelings]
こころ、心 – (kokoro) - waist, hip
こし、腰 – (koshi) - heart
しんぞう、心臓 – (shinzō) - back
せなか、背中 – (senaka) - blood
ち、血 – (chi) - meat
にく、肉 – (niku) - skin
はだ、肌、膚 – (hada) - skin
ひふ、皮膚 – (hifu) - bone
ほね、骨 – (hone) - chest
むね、胸 – (mune) - cold [illness]
かぜ、風邪 – (kaze) - diarrhea
げり、下痢 – (geri) - illness
びょうき、病気 – (byōki)
Different Types of Feelings in Japanese
疲れる (TsukareRu)
病人 (Byounin)
泣く (Naku)
悲しい (KanashiI)
熱い (Atsui)
空腹である (KuufukuDearu)
冷たい (TsumetaI)
恐れる (OsoreRu)
喉が乾く (NodoGaKawaku)
眠い (Nemui)
空腹 (Kuufuku)
弱い (Yowai)
強い (Tsuyoi)
渇き (Kawaki)
恐怖 (Kyoufu)
痛み (Itami)
恥 (Haji)
誇りに思う (HokoriNiOmou)
目覚める (MezameRu)
立腹している(だれかに) (RippukuShiteiru(Darekani)) to be angry (with somebody)
ムード (Mu^do)
パニック (Panikku)
動揺 (Douyou)
失望 (Shitsubou)
興奮 (Koufun)
関心がある (KanshinGaaru)
心配する (ShinpaiSuru)
立腹 (Rippuku)
Basic Japanese Words and Phrases
- You’re welcome.
どういたしまして。Dō itashimashite.
Pronunciation: Dohh ee-tah–shee–mahsh–teh - Please. (request)
お願いします。 Onegai shimasu.
Pronunciation: Oh-neh–gahy shee–mahs - Please. (offer)
どうぞ。 Dōzo.
Pronunciation: DOHH-zoh - Yes
はい hai
Pronunciation: Hahy - No
いいえ iie
Pronunciation: Ee-eh - Excuse me.
Pronunciation: Soo-mee-mah-SEN’ - I’m sorry.
ごめんなさい。 Gomen nasai.
Pronunciation: Goh-men-nah–sahy - I’m sorry. (informal)
ごめん Gomen.
Pronunciation: Goh-men’ - Goodbye. (long-term)
さようなら。 Sayōnara.
Pronunciation: Sah-yohh-nah-rah - Goodbye. (informal)
じゃね。 Ja ne.
Pronunciation: Jahh neh. - How are you?
お元気ですか? O-genki desu ka?
Pronunciation: Oh-GEN’-kee des-ka? - Fine, thank you.
はい、元気です。 Hai, genki desu.
Pronunciation: Hahy, GEN’-kee des. - How about you?
あなたは? Anata wa?
Pronunciation: Ah-nah–tah wa? - What’s your name? (lit. “Your name is…”)
お名前は? O-namae wa?
Pronunciation: Oh-nah-mah-eh wah? - My name is … .
… です。 … desu. (informal)
Pronunciation: … des. - My name is (Name) (formal)
私の名前は(name)です Watashi no namae wa (Name) desu
Pronunciation: wah-TAH-shee no nah-MAH-eh wah (Name) dess - My name is …. (honorific; highly formal)
と申します。… to mōshimasu.
Toh MOHH-shee–mahs, (means “I am called…”) - Nice to meet you. (formal)
始めまして。どうぞ宜しくお願いします。 Hajimemashite. Dōzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu Pronunciation: Hah-jee-meh-mahsh–teh DOHH-zoh yoh–rohsh–koo oh-neh–gahy shee–mahs - Please treat me well
よろしくお願いします。Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
Pronunciation: yor-OH-she-koo oh-nay-guy-ee-shee-mass - I can’t speak Japanese
very well.
日本語が(よく)話せません。Nihongo ga (yoku) hanasemasen.
Pronunciation: Nee-hohn’-goh gah (yoh-koo) hah-nah-seh-mah-sen’ - Do you speak Japanese?
日本語が話せますか? Nihongo ga hanasemasu ka?
Pronunciation: Nee-hohn’-goh gah hah-nah-seh-mahs kah? - Do you speak English?
英語が話せますか? Eigo ga hanasemasu ka?
Pronunciation: Ey-goh gah hah-nah-seh-mahs kah? - Is there someone here who speaks English?
誰か英語が話せますか? Dareka eigo ga hanasemasu ka?
Pronunciation: Dah-reh-kah ey-goh gah hah-nah-seh-mahs kah? - Yes, a little.
はい、少し。 Hai, sukoshi.
Pronunciation: Hahy, skoh-shee - Please speak slowly.
ゆっくり話してください。 Yukkuri hanashite kudasai.
Pronunciation: Yook-koo-ree hah-nahsh-teh koo-dah-sahy - Please say it again.
もう一度言ってください。Mō ichido itte kudasai.
Pronunciation: Mohh ee-chee-doh eet-teh koo-dah-sahy - I don’t understand.
分かりません。 Wakarimasen.
Pronunciation: Wah-kah-ree-mah-sen’ - I am not Japanese.
日本人ではありません。 Nihonjin dewa arimasen.
Nee-hohn–jeen deh-wah ah-ree-mah-sen’ - Where is the toilet?
お手洗い・トイレはどこですか? Otearai/toire wa doko desu ka?
Pronunciation: Oh-teh-ah-rahy/toy-reh wah doh-koh des kah? - Please help!
助けて! Tasukete!
Pronunciation: Tah-skeh–teh! - Look out!
危ない! Abunai!
Pronunciation: Ah-boo-NAHY! - Sorry, I didn’t understand that
(sumimasen. wakarimasen deshita)
- What did you say?
(nan te iimashita ka?)
- Can you translate it for me?
(yakushite kudasai)
- What does this mean?
(kore wa dōiu imi desu ka)
- How do you pronounce that?
(kore wa donna fū ni hatsuon shimasu ka)
- There’s a problem in the room
(sono heya no naka ni mondai ga arimasu)
- There’s no hot water
(oyu ga arimasen)
- The tap/faucet is leaking
(jaguchi ga moreteimasu)
- The drain is blocked
(haisuikō ga tsumatteimasu)
- The air conditioner is too noisy
(eakon ga urusasugimasu)
- Can I have another room?
(hoka no heya e utsuremasu ka?)
- When should I vacate the room?
(itsu, heya o denakute wa narimasen ka?)
- I’d like to check out
(chekkuauto shitai no desu ga)
- I’d check out on this date
(kono hi ni chekkuauto shitai no desu ga)
- Could you call a taxi please?
(takusī o yonde kudasai?)
- May I see the bill please?
(seikyūsho o misete itadakemasu ka?)
- How much is the total bill?
(seikyūsho no gōkei wa ikura desu ka?)
- Can I have an itemised bill?
(meisaisho o misete itadakemasu ka?)
- I think there’s a mistake on this bill
(kono seikyūsho ni machigai ga aruyō ni omō no desu ka?)
- Is there a restaurant near here?
(chikaku ni resutoran wa arimasu ka?)
- I’d like to reserve a table
(tēburu no yoyaku o toritai no desu ga)
- We have a reservation
(sudeni yoyaku o totte imasu)
- Do you have an English menu?
(eigo no menyu wa arimasu ka?)
- Can I see the wine list?
(wain no risuto o misete itadakemasen ka?)
- I am a vegetarian 私は菜食主義者です
(watashi wa saishokushugisha desu)
Quick Self-introduction in Japanese
By using the words and phrases above, will help you begin a quick conversation with the Japanese people. You can start now by introducing yourself. Let’s practice the example below.
Hajimemashite. Konnichiwa. Watashi no namae wa (Name) desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
Easy right? You could also learn the easy way to count in Japanese Numbers by clicking the link below.
Counting in Japanese Numbers 1-100 for Beginners
FAIR Japan provides useful information about Japan.