20 Best Japanese Desserts You’ll Want To Try

Japanese Desserts: Modern and Traditional | FAIR Inc

Japanese desserts (デザート) are proven best to satisfy your sweet cravings. As known worldwide, Japanese people utilize the best techniques to bring out the natural flavor, the texture, and the presentation. 

In fact, there are over hundreds of desserts that can be found everywhere in Japan. You can buy them at coffee shops, cafes, restaurants, and even at school cafeterias.

So if you’re into Japanese desserts hunting, this post will give you a list of new desserts and the traditional ones that are incredibly worth trying. Keep on reading!

10 New Japanese Desserts

Japanese desserts evolved into a variety of new exciting sweets. The country created Western-style confectioneries of their own.

Compared to its Western counterparts, it has less sugar. However, they perfected the texture like their famous jiggly cakes. No doubt these facts trigger your sweet cravings. So to add to your list, here are the ten must-taste modern Japanese sweets.

Japanese Desserts Waffle | FAIR Inc

1. Castella, Sho'oken

Address : 3-19, Uonomachi, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki

Castella is a Japanese confectionary with mizuame as its base ingredient. Mizuame makes it moist like that of a sponge cake. The main ingredients include flour, sugar, eggs, and mizuame.

You can also find flavors such as powdered green tea, brown sugar, and honey. Castella cake can be purchased inside long boxes. This Japanese dessert is a specialty from Nagasaki and you can visit there if you want to try the original one.

2. Coffee Jelly

Address : Various locations

A very familiar dessert, coffee jelly can be found in most Japanese restaurants and convenience stores. By using an instant mix or by using raw ingredients such as coffee, sugar, and gelatin, you can make a coffee jelly. The difference between Japanese coffee jelly from American coffee jelly is that it uses agar jelly, which is a gelatin made from algae.

Coffee jelly is added to milkshakes, floats, and sundaes. It is also added to hot or cold coffee. To make it more flavorful, pour the condensed milk into it.

3. Green Tea Ice Cream(抹茶アイスクリーム), Suzukien x Nanaya Collaboration Shop/ 壽々喜園 ×ななやコラボショップ

Address : 3-4-3 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo-to 111-0032

Also known as matcha ice cream, this Japanese dessert is extremely famous especially to foreigners. Its base ingredient is green tea. Matcha ice cream can be integrated into other dishes such as Azuki and Green Tea Ice Cream, Green Tea Mochi Ice Cream, and Green Tea Shaved Ice.

4. Hakuto Jelly (白桃ゼリー)

Address : various locations

Hakuto Jelly is a summer dessert in Japan. Its base ingredients are ripe hakuto peach juice from Okayama and mineral spring water. Because Hakuto Jelly is a seasonal dessert, it is quite expensive as peaches only bloom in summer.

5. Melonpan (メロンパン), Kagetsudo

Address : 2-7-13 Asakusa, Daito-ku, Tokyo

Melon bread is a Japanese-style sweet bun made from enriched dough or enriched cookie dough. Originally without melon inside, the addition of melon started recently which is very appealing to the crowd. You can select filling flavors such as caramel, maple syrup, chocolate chips, whipped cream, and custard.

6. Mochi Ice Cream, Yukimi Daifuku

Address : any convenience store

Invented by Frances Hashimoto, Mochi ice cream is a confection made from sticky rice and is filled with ice cream. It is usually served cold in flavors such as green tea, vanilla, and strawberry. The combination of the texture of mochi and the sweetness of ice cream makes it one of the best Japanese desserts out there.

7. Purin (プリン), Eden

Address : 4 Chome-52-5 Ōtsuka Bunkyo-ku Tokyo-to

Purin which is the term used for Japanese pudding is a custard dessert made from caramel sauce, eggs, milk, and sugar. Originated from Spain, the Japanese flan is usually found at most Japanese convenience stores. The variation of Japanese pudding is creme caramel which is different from creme Brulee and crema Catalana.

8. Raindrop Cake, Kin Sei Ken Dai Ga Hara Ten (金精軒 台ケ原店)

Address : 3-4-3 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo-to 111-0032

A Japanese dessert that resembles a raindrop was introduced in Japan in 2014. It is made from water from Mount Kaikoma of the Southern Japanese Alps and agar, the algae gelatin. Distinguished as a no-calorie dessert, Raindrop cake is mild sweet when tasted.

9. Matcha Swiss Roll (抹茶ロールケーキ)

Address : various locations

Loving green? This Japanese dessert is made from fresh matcha cream and then rolled into a fluffy sponge cake. This is one of the favorites for a lot of visitors in Japan. If you are obsessed with green tea, you must try this one.

Address : various locations

Are you looking for an official souvenir sweet from Tokyo? Tokyo Banana is a sponge cake with cream filling inside in the form of a banana. This Japanese dessert is manufactured by Grapestone Co. and is offered in different series.

10 Traditional Japanese Desserts

The traditional Japanese desserts’ main ingredients are sticky rice, sweet beans, plant saps, red bean paste, mochi, and nectars. So whenever you try for their authentic sweets, these natural ingredients are always on the list.

Did you know that the art of food culture, ever since existed? Even before they started making Westernized desserts, they had already been using their skills and techniques in preparing food. No wonder you will be curious how it would taste.

Here’s the term used for traditional Japanese dessert, Wagashi (和菓子). And for the list, check the ten must-try desserts below.

Traditional Japanese Dessert (Wagashi) | FAIR Inc

1. Daifuku (大福餅), Kyou Sagano Chikujian(京 嵯峨野 竹路庵 大丸梅田店)

Address : Osaka

Daifuku which is the popular wagashi in Japan is made from mochi and filled with Anko, azuki red bean paste. It is often served with tea. Variations of this dessert are Yomogi Daifuku, Ichigo Daifuku, and Yukimi Daifuku.

2. Dango (団子), Kibidango Azuma

Address :Tokyo, Japan. 1-18-1 Asakusa

Dango is a skewered Japanese dessert made of rice flour. Different dangos are served according to seasons. The most popular Dango is the Anko Dango which is covered with sweetened red bean paste.

3. Higashi (干菓子)

Address : various locations

Higashi is a dry confectionary and can be stored longer than other wagashi. It is made from rice flour and can be purchased in different variations.

4. Arare (あられ), Kameda no Kaki no Tane Milk Chocolate

Address : any convenience store

This Japanese dessert is a pellet-sized Japanese cracker. Arare is made from mixing glutinous rice and soy sauce. To make it more enjoyable, serve this with Japanese beer.

5. Hanabiramochi (葩餅)

Address : various locations especially New Year

A Japanese dessert that is usually eaten at New Year. Hanabiramochi is made from mochi, miso, gyuhi, and burdock. Each ingredient symbolizes terms related to New Year.

6. Kuzumochi (葛餅), Sagamiya

Address : 4-25-7 Ikegami, Ota-ku, Tokyo

Kuzumochi is mochi cakes from the base ingredient, kuzuko. It is also a local dish from Tokyo. It is served and topped with kuromitsu and kinako.

7. Manju (饅頭), Yuzawaya Saryo

Address : 946 Shimohatsuishimachi, Nikko 321-1403, Tochigi Prefecture

This is made from flour, rice powder, kudzu, buckwheat, and red bean paste. This Japanese confectionery is certified popular because it is cheap. You can find many variations of Manju such as the matcha Manju.

8. Mizuame (水飴)

Address : various locations

Similar to corn syrup, Mizuame is made from converting starch to sugar. The term mizuame which means water candy lives up to its name as it looks clear, sticky, and thick liquid. Mizuame is usually added to wagashi as sweeteners but can also be considered as a Japanese dessert.

9. Sakura mochi (桜餅), Chomeiji Sakuramochi

Address : Mukojima, Sumida, Kanto

This wagashi is very popular, especially in Hinamatsuri and Hanami. This Japanese dessert is made of pink-colored rice cake, red bean paste, and pickled cherry blossom leaf. You can also eat the leaf along with the confectionery. Different styles and variations can be found throughout Japan.

10. Yokan (予感), Toraya Confectionery

Address : various locations, online shop

Yokan is a Japanese dessert served in block form. This is made from mixing agar jelly, sugar, red bean paste, or white kidney bean paste. This can be served with chopped chestnuts, persimmon, figs, azuki beans, or sweet potato.

Where To Find Instagrammable Desserts In Tokyo?

Apart from instagrammable places in Japan, did you know that there are instagrammable desserts too? Yes, we know that Japanese people love combining cooking and art.

What more if meticulously prepared by some expert Japanese chefs. For sure, you will not miss sharing it on your Instagram post. So, where can you find these exceptional desserts in Japan? Check out the list of places below:

Japanese Desserts | FAIR Inc

1. Shiro-Hige Cream Puff Factory

Have you watched the Japanese movie, Totoro? If so, you can find cream puffs inspired by Totoro, the adorable forest spirit in the movie. Each cream puff costs 400 yen. Flavors such as strawberry, banana, chocolate, banana, and custard are available.

2. ELK New York Brunch

Try out their massive sundae called Pop Sundaes. You can pile fruits, sprinkles, cookies, and chocolates on your ice cream. Each sundae can be purchased for 1,000 yen.

3. Decora Creamery

Do you like cotton candy? Visit Decora Creamy for their big and fluffy rainbow cotton candy. Imagine eating a 2-feet cotton candy which is worth picture taking!

4. Kawaii Monster Cafe in Harajuku

In Harajuku which is known for its lively vibes, you can find Kawaii Monster Cafe. Here, you can take pictures with neon lights, robots, and instagrammable dishes. The popular dish Poison Parfait Extreme costs 2,300 yen.

5. Vie De France, Tokyo Solamachi

Have you heard about melon rolls that look like whales? This pastry shop is popular for its adorable bread and pastries in the form of sea creatures. Their popular product, Whale Musk Melon Roll costs 300 yen only.

Japanese dessert has many variations from traditional to modern desserts. If you want to explore all of them, it is better to try them one by one. Of course, make your camera click and post them on your social media accounts.

Friendly advice: Check your blood sugar before you indulge in these sweets from Japan.

Have you tried one of the featured Japanese desserts above? Or do you want to share other Japanese desserts? Comment down below! We want to hear your thoughts and experience.

FAIR Japan provides useful information about Japan.

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