How to Write Letters in Japanese?

Japanese letters

Have you ever written some letters in Japanese? If you have friends in Japan or stay in Japan to study or work, you must have wanted to send a letter to your Japanese friends or your boss. Here is an explanation of how to write a letter in Japanese.


It has two sentences: Opening greeting and Seasonal greeting.opening on Japanese letters

Three elements are used as a opening greeting on letters, such as “Opening greeting”: 拝啓(ha i ke i)、謹啓(ki n ke i)、前略(ze n rya ku)etc., and “Seasonal greeting” which is words to tell the feeling of a current season with “Words of caring for your friends”.

*In an apology letter, the greatest purpose is to tell your feelings of being sorry. Let’s write the main subject straight without opening a greeting. Also, in a sympathy letter, it is important to communicate feelings concerning your friends’ physical condition. Avoid opening greeting depend on the situation of a condition and damage.

Main Clause

main clause on Japanese letters


You will describe briefly a purpose of a letter by using words such as「さて(sa te)、ところで(to ko ro de)、実は(ji tsu ha)」(=by the way, actually). Not putting more than two purposes on a letter otherwise, it becomes hard to tell important contents.

  • What is a word of starting sentences?

A word of starting sentences is a word of transcription to inform a person that it is a purpose from here. When you start writing from the word, the sentences will improve.

Words used well: さて(sa te)、ところで(to ko ro de)、実は(ji tsu ha)、この度は(ko no ta bi ha)、早速ですが(sa sso ku de su ga)、 突然ですが(to tsu ze n de su ga)


closing on Japanese letters


It has a conclusion and closing remarks.

You will describe conclusion (words that wish for health and safety of the person, and that summarize of a purpose) and add a “Closing remarks” that corresponds to the opening greeting: 敬具(ke i gu)、謹言(ki n ge n)、草々(so u so u)etc.


The date and signature

You will write a date you wrote a letter, a sender, and an address. The date is officially the year, month and day, but it doesn’t matter if it is only month and day.

Also, you can write what concerning celebrations can be written as “○年○月吉日(ki chi/tsu ji tsu)”.


Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions.

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