Application Process for School in Japan

If your planning to study in Japan, you must take into consideration selecting the right school that suits your needs. Picking a school that is not appropriate for you will waste your time, effort and money.

Our student support services will help you get into universities, colleges and language schools giving counseling and excellent assistance. We also introduce the Pathway Program for those students who will transfer to one school to another.


Important Points

Before enrolling to Japanese language school, you need to inquire about the following:

  • If it requires a high school graduate diploma
  • The passing marks for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test
  • The date of enrollment and the deadline for the new applicant
  • Attachment of the translated documents for the application.
  • Conditions required for resident certification.

Remember, early planning and completion of documents are necessary to avoid inadequacies upon the admission process.

Qualification for admission

  • Completion of 12 years of education (6 years of elementary school, 3 years of lower secondary school and 3 years of upper secondary school).
    ∗Not applicable for not transferring schools applicants 
    For more details please check the Japan Student Assistance Organization (JASSO) website here.
  • Japan language test N5 class and higher, or equivalent language certificates.
  • Bank Statement(Tuition and Expenditure)for parents
  • Those who already have a status of residence that can continue staying in Japan for more than a year from the time of admission.
  • Must provide residence certificate.



April intake (1 or 2 years program) November
July intake (1 year and 9 months program) March
October intake (1 year and 6 months program)May
January intake (1 year and 3 months program)September

*Applying to schools for admission requires to receive all the documents early.
school might be full of intake, we cannot guarantee program entries.

Application Process Information

  • Discuss with the school board 
  • Parents also can process the application
  • The payment for the application filing fee, admission fee, tuition fee, etc. made through bank transfer.
  • Transferring of funds will be fully accomplished after authorized.
  • Provide all documents issued within three months of the current date.
  • Applicants themselves required to fill in application forms on their own.
  • For documents other than Japanese, a Japanese translation needs to attached.
  • Insufficient documents are not qualified to apply.

Visa and Resident Certification

For language school, a student visa will permit a student to stay the entire educational period of one year or one year and three months, but the school will extend it when the time comes. The maximum duration of stay to study at a language school in Japan is two years. But if you plan to leave school out, then your visa will no longer be valid.

School Program

University Pathway Program 
The program will help students to transfer to another University. It will focus on improving students’ listening comprehension and description ability.
The course aims to elevate the exam skills gradually before filing and placement test. It also assists the student in preparation for the report, thesis, interviews and so on.

Postgraduate Program 
It offers courses, conversion courses, and professional qualifications. The program also has a research degree that enhances the students in a research presentation method of research contents.

Business Program 
Aiming for employment in Japan and Japanese companies abroad. The program will educate the student on how to enhance the information gathering skills in Japanese as well as fundamental computer skills. It also includes practical interview exercises and short-term corporate training or internship.

Speaking Program
The course is to help students improving their communication skills in the Japanese language. It helps to practice the long tone which foreigners are not good at by teaching the correct pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation. Moreover, the course helps to improve the overall speaking ability.

The flow of Entry Application

  1. The school will check all the documents for authorization on the admission
  2. Apply for a certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status after receiving an acceptance letter.
  3. Settle the tuition fees after receiving a Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status.
  4. The issuance for the residence certificate and certified from the time of application.
  5. The original certificate mailed directly or returned via an agent.
  6. Confirm whether the name on the passport matches the one stated on the Certificate of Eligibility.
  7. After you finished with step number five, you can now proceed to the application for a visa at the Japanese embassy in your country.
  8. When arriving in Japan, it is necessary to apply for a “Residence card” at the immigration.
  9. “Residence card” is very important for foreigners to secure while staying medium or long-term in Japan.
  10. The attached pictures in the Residence card will be the same in the School application form.
  11. If necessary, you can apply for permission to work while applying for the “Residence card.”

Furthermore, within the 14 days after the arrival, a student required to visit the city hall for resident registration and application of health insurance.

Important Points for Choosing a Japanese School

①Program Length and Content
②Class size
③General subjects offer
④Total class hours per term
⑤School environment 
⑥School ratings and reviews
⑦Availability of a school counselor
⑧Easier to transfer to a preferred school
⑨Quality assurance in education
⑩ Total tuition cost
⑪Details about the placement test
⑫Learn more about the student diversity


Important Points

Before enrolling to a University or College, you need to inquire about the following:

  • If it requires a high school graduate diploma
  • Confirm the application requirements carefully
  • Check the starting date of enrollment and the deadline for the new applicant. It usually begins seven months before admission.
  • All documents need to translate in Japanese and attached the proof documents from the embassy in the home country.
  • If uncertain whether you qualify for the school, so it is better to apply for multiple schools.
  • Incomplete documents are not accepted.
  • Sending of application documents limited only to mailing.

Aoyama University Offers English Language Program

Application Requirement


A. A person who has completed 12 years of school education from their country.
B.Graduate transcript with the authorized certificate by Minister of Education.

Status of Residency
The person who falls under any of C to E.

C. People who have a foreign nationality and have a status of residence “study abroad.”
To attain the status of residence status, click here.
D. Foreigners who have other types of visa and passed placement test and completed school application qualifies for change status into Student Visa.
E. Foreigners who have Student Visa and passed placement test and completed school application qualifies for change status into Resident Visa.
Those who can submit a proof of applying for a Certificate of Eligibility.

Required for Application
1 and 2 are both required

  1. SAT(Reading, Writing, Math)scores or  ACT with Writing scores
  2. English External Qualification Examination
    TOEFL iBT® 80 points or more
    TOEIC® L & R 830 or more
    IELTS Academic Module Overall Band Score 6.0 or more
    Practical English Proficiency Test Level 1

However, the applicants who spent at least five years at the institution where English is the primary language exempted of score submission provided it last within six years. Remember, the test validity is within two years only, except for the Practical English Proficiency Test. Plus, all documents required to submit.

About Japanese EducationApplication process for School in Japan (Japanese Education) | FAIR Study in Japan
University classes in Japan, use Japanese as the primary language. Therefore, it will require your Japanese skills to converse and understand the Teachers.

Application Process

First Assessment

  1. Application Procedure
    Application period: About seven months or more before the admission period (by fiscal year)
    Application Form: Application has to send to school thru mail.
  2. Selection method
    By checking the application requirements and transcript record.
  3. Notice of Acceptance
    The announcement of the qualified students will be after a month.
    · Check the result via the Internet.
    They’ll announce the examination number thru the school website. So, make sure you will check it from time to time. The examination pass acceptance letter mailed to the student first, then the examination admission ticket will follow.

Second Assessment

The students who passed the examination qualified for the second assessment.
The application procedure is not necessary.

  1. Selection method
    Examining all the documents
    Placement Test
  2. Examination date and venue
    For example, in the Aoyama Campus, they announce the date and venue of the exam approximately one month after the primary examination schedule.
  3. Test Subject and Time
    Essay 9:30-10:30
    Interview 13:00~
    *English or Japanese
  4. Announcement of Passers
    (10 days after the exam)
    Announcement via the internet.
    The school will mail a letter of acceptance and entrance procedure to the successful applicants.

Application Documents

1.Document submission
All submitted documents should be in Japanese or English, if it’s not, so it required translation. You must provide supporting documents as proof that there is no discrepancy from the original content and the other one received from the embassy’s notary office or another notary office in your country. Therefore, attachment of supporting documents on the certificate is necessary for the submission. Furthermore, sending of application documents limited to postal mail only. So anticipate that it will take a long time to obtain a certificate from the embassy.
*Note that the students are not able to change the program after submission of application.

2.List of Documents needed for the application

  1. Letter of Acceptance
  2. Photo slip
  3. High School Diploma
  4. Academic transcript of the entire high school period (Grade 10 to 12)
  5. Copy of Residence Card
    ※Only Student who lives in Japan
  6. Copy of Passport
  7. 2 pieces Photo (4 cm in length and 3 cm in width)
    Write the application department name at the back of the photo and paste it on the application form and photo card.
  8. Application envelope
  9. Application document checklist
  10. Transfer notice
    Please read the contents of the application requirements carefully in “Application Eligibility” and submit one of the documents.
  11. IELTS Test Report
  12. Eiken Test/ Eiken Foundation of Japan
    ※Exempted to the exam requires to submit the proof documents.
  13. English education certificate or Transcript at least 5 years

3.School entrance examination fee
The entrance examination fee is 35,000 Yen. If you pay for the examination, you will use the “transfer application form” and transfer the money from the financial institution window in Japan. Remember, don’t use ATM and Internet Banking as a mode of payment for it is not allowed.
Please attach the transfer receipt to the application form and mail it together with the other application documents.

※We have bank support services that will process on your behalf.

Notes on filling in the transfer request.

  • Remittance requires at the local bank six days before the application deadline.
  • If the remitter is not the applicant himself/herself, it is necessary to enter the applicant’s name in the contact matter field without any error.

Admission Schedule

Approximately in December

Pay the total application fee (equivalent to enrollment fee).

Important Points for Choosing a University

①SubjectsWhat are the contents of the lecture and research? Are there any interesting subjects available?Is research available?
②Academic ProgramsWhat are the majors available? Is there a master program or graduate school? Short term course to learn Japanese or Japanese culture?
③Research FacilitiesDo they have complete research facilities? Are the Facilities managed by expert support staff?
④International Student Support ServicesAre there any international student support staff available? Are they giving free counseling to students? Do they have tutors to help study and live?
⑤Retention and Graduation RatesWhat percentage of graduates in five years? What are the reviews from students online? What is the percentage of drop out per year?
⑥Placement Test

What is the passing score on a placement test? What are the subject categories?What are the courses offered after passing the exam?

⑦Tuition Costs and other ExpendituresWhat is the total tuition fees? What types of financial aid did they offer? How much is the potential cost? 
⑧ Scholarship Program

Is there any scholarship program available? What is the percentage of scholar?

⑨Campus Environment What is life like outside the classroom? Do a lot of students commute? Go home on the weekends? What is the overall campus environment?

Test Information

EJU Examination

The Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) is a test that is often referred to in Japanese language schools, universities, and colleges to measure the basic skills in the Japanese language.

Test Subjects
Japanese, science (physics, chemistry, biology), general subject and mathematics are the test subjects. 
You can select the language whether Japanese or English, but in Japanese language subject, it’s only Japanese.

Placement Test Retake
Applicants/students can take the placement test only twice in twelve consecutive months.

Top score benefits 
For those students with excellent grades can receive a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology(MEXT).

Exam Venue
The exam venue is both in Japan and abroad.

The following is the overseas testing venue.
※ Please note that this list may change without prior notice.


Malaysia(Kuala lumpr)Hotel Armada Petaling Jaya

Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar) National University of Mongolia

Russia(VladivostokFar Eastern Federal University

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

JLPT and Logo of JAPAN

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test is a big exam with the most public effectiveness to measure Japanese skills. The examination is reading and listening with a mark sheet method. It’s divided by level from N5 to N1. (N5 is easiest and N1 is the most difficult level).
More information click here.

Majority of Japanese language schools and University required JLPT.

Exam Repetition
The exam has done twice a year.

Examination Venue
Japan: 46 prefectures (2018 achievements)
Overseas: 40 countries / areas, 135 cities (2018 achievements)


Application for Japanese School and Universities requires a complicated processing procedure. You need to complete all the necessary documents otherwise you’re not qualified to apply for any school admission. Moreover, the risk that student cannot attend school at their desired time will increase if there is no document checking. Therefore, you will need assistance starting from the filing period until the placement examination to pass in your desired school or university.

Our agency will give full support in preparing documents for the application as well as in the school recommendation.

Why Choose Us?

We always welcome the students’ questions and concerns.
We always love to support students leading them to success.

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Japan Omakase Package Plan | FAIR Study in Japan

Japan Omakase Pack

Please check our Japan Omakase Pack.

Please feel free to contact us. For further details or inquiries, please fill out the form below.

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