Travel Insurance in Japan for Foreign Visitors

Travel Insurance in Japan for Foreigners | FAIR Inc

Why getting travel insurance in Japan as foreigners is vital? As per advice from the Japan Tourism Agency, foreign tourists should purchase “Overseas Travel Insurance” in preparation for unexpected events such as illnesses and accidents while in the country. 

Even though Japan is a country with world-class healthcare, you cannot get the medical attention you want for free. So to have an insured trip is the safest and wisest move.  

If this is your first time visiting Japan or you plan to visit the country in the future, then this post would be helpful for you. You will know more about travel insurance in Japan such as follows:

  • benefits and perks of having travel insurance,
  • guide on how to apply,
  • and some helpful application tips.

What is Travel Insurance in Japan for Foreigners?

Travel Insurance in Japan for foreigners is a travel medical insurance internationally, which is designed to cover the cost and expenses due to emergency health care and safety-related issues while traveling in Japan. This may also cover luggage loss, stolen items, dangerous activity coverage, and natural disaster coverage. 

Travel insurance in Japan can be purchased in your home country through insurance companies and providers or after you arrive in Japan. You can get one up to 364 days a year. Insurance which is valid for 30 days(short-travels) is mostly provided. 

If you ever wonder, what about your local travel insurance? Does it work in Japan? Your domestic medical insurance will not be accepted in any Japanese hospitals. Thus, having no travel insurance for foreigners in Japan means hassle and will require you to pay a large sum of money.

From here on out, let us learn why you need this travel insurance in Japan as a foreign visitor.

What Will You Benefit From Having This Travel Insurance In Japan?

Having travel medical insurance in Japan will help you benefit from the problems below. The situations below cannot be avoided while in Japan. Hence, it is better to have travel insurance than to have none. Consider the following troubles:

  • The climate difference between Japan and your local country can make you sick. Examples are flu due to cold winter or cherry blossoms/sakura allergy, heatstroke, and convulsions. 
  • Injury may happen while you travel to Japan. Examples are fall injuries or fractures while in an onsen or parks. 
  • Medical assistance in Japan can be expensive. Getting a shot will cost you a lot of yen. Accident Coverage of Travel Insurance in Japan | FAIR Inc
  • You need interpretation services in Japan especially if you are alone and sick. Communicating with Japanese doctors and nurses needs knowledge of the Japanese language. 
  • Uncomfortable, stressful, and unsafe traveling. Examples are theft, baggage loss, and accommodation.

Please take note that the benefits below are the usual insurance benefits(optional). This doesn’t mean that the insurance you purchased will have these all benefits. You will still manually choose the benefits you want and write the amount of limitation of each benefit.

Usual Benefits of Insurance:

  1. Medical Expenses
    This benefit will cover the cost of the treatment of accidental injury and sudden illness. 
  2. Emergency Medical Transportation/Evacuation
    Covers the transportation(either ground or air) from your current hospital to the hospital which is best to heal your illness or injury. 
  3. Hospital Room and Services
    As the name suggests, this is for the cost of your room and other hospital services such as nursing. 
  4. Local Ambulance
    The cost of ambulance transport because of injury and illness. 
  5. Intensive Care Unit
    Incurred injury or illness-related expense for the ICU. 
  6. Dangerous Activity Coverage
    If you are an adventurer and sports lover, this benefit will cover activities such as indoor and outdoor rock climbing, mountain biking, mountaineering, scuba diving, snow skiing, snowboarding in Japan, surfboarding, wakeboarding, and zip-lining.
  7. Natural Disasters Coverage
    Due to earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan, this benefit is relevant to your travel in the country. This will cover the replacement of accommodations due to sudden natural disasters happening in your accommodated area, transportation to evacuation areas, and airfare to your home country. 
  8. Repatriation of remains
    This is for the cost of returning the remains to one’s country. 
  9. Personal liability
    The expenses for personal obligations while in Japan. 
  10. Political evacuation
    If something terrible happens that is relevant to political issues within the country, this benefit will let you evacuate back to your home country or the nearest safe place. 
  11. Trip interruption
    Something like a malfunctioning rented-car while on a road trip is a real interruption. Maybe you need this insurance benefit.

Perks of Having Travel Insurance in Japan:

  1. Budget-friendly
    Travel insurance providers offer you budget-friendly options that will let you save pennies. 
  2. Flexible
    Choose what you want to do with your plans such as the length of the coverage and the benefits you want. 
  3. Easy to use
    You can extend your coverage or even cancel one. You can do this while traveling. 
  4. Immediate processing
    Change of plans such as changing destinations is no problem. You can avail right away.
  5. Multilingual
    Access to translations, assistance, and referrals related to baggage loss, theft, and hospital communications are available. 
  6. Mobile
    Use the Omotenashi app to provide you free wifi while on your Japan journey. For the sound-support app, download it here.

How to Apply for Travel Insurance in Japan for Foreigners?

Travel Insurance in Japan (How to Apply) | FAIR Inc

1. Consider the three common plans for travel insurance

Before applying for Travel insurance in Japan, it is better to understand the type of plan that you are getting to.

1. Single-trip plan – an insurance plan dedicated to one person in a specific period.
2. Multi-trip plan – insurance for one person but plans to travel to Japan a quite number of times per year.
3. Group plan – insurance which is perfect for group trips such as family and friends.

2. Apply online

You can apply for travel insurance once you arrive in Japan. Contact the call center of one of the travel insurance providers.  

JTA offers two types of travel insurance for travelers in Japan.
1. Tokio Marine and Nichidos overseas travel insurance for foreign visitors to Japan
Apply online any time from 30 days before you enter Japan to the 4th day upon arrival. This includes interpretation services and cashless treatment. Price ranges vary.
For more information about Tokio Marine and Nichido, click here

                   *Atlas Travel
Apply online. Atlas Travel which is part of Tokio Marine Group comes uniquely with the Omotenashi app. This app provides free and reliable wireless fidelity. They also offer recreational coverage. 

2. Sompo Japan Nipponkoa‘s travel insurance for Japan
Apply online only within 30 days after arrival. Like above, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa includes interpretation services and cashless treatment. There are approximately 800 allied medical institutions in Japan.
For more information about Sompo Japan Nipponkoa, click here.

Tip: Before applying, consider the following :
1. Your travel dates
2. Length of the insurance’ coverage
3. Destination
4. Number of companions
5. Cost of the insurance
6. Coverage limits
7. Deductibles

3. Your chosen insurance provider will help you understand the coverage

You will be directed and will be given the information on the appropriate and nearest medical facility. If you visit one of their partner medical institutions, the insurance provider will pay for your cashless medical care.

Final Thoughts

Travel Insurance in Japan for foreigners is indeed a travel necessity. This will cover the cost of medical expenses incurred while in Japan. There are other perks you will receive upon applying for one. Also, two types of insurance are provided by Japan Travel Agency. 

You get to choose what insurance will fit for your travel. Travel insurance with must-have apps and cashless payment will make your trip safe and memorable. Now that you are equipped with this knowledge, it is time to visit the land of the rising sun.

For health insurance for workers in Japan, visit our article “Employee Benefits in Japan : What to Expect!“.

FAIR Japan provides useful information about Japan. 

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